
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Notable CD and DVD releases for the month of August

The month of August brings the recital album debut of Mojca Erdmann who impressed audiences and critics in Baden Baden in the role of Zerlina in Don Giovanni. The CD is entitled Mostly Mozart. It includes arias from Don Giovanni and Idomeno and music from Salieri and Paisello.

Idelbrando D'Arcangelo releases his second album for Deustche Grammophon and like Ms. Erdmann it is a Mozart album entitled Mozart. Coming off the same Baden Baden Don Giovanni performances, D'Arcangelo's album includes arias Don Giovanni, Le Nozze di Figaro and  Cosi Fan Tutte.


Alekzandra Kurzak who stars in Hansel and Gretel this year at the Met also makes her solo album debut for Decca entitled Gioia. It features some of Kurzak's favorite arias and includes the works of Verdi, Donizetti, Strauss, and Bellini.

Antonio Pappano continues his recording series with the Academia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia with William Tell. The opera stars Gerald Finley, John Osborn, and Malin Bystrom.

Rossini: William Tell (French Version)

The classic Francesco Rossi Carmen starring Placido Domingo and Julia Migenes is released for the first time on DVD.

The Royal Opera releases Anna Nicole on DVD on Opus Arte. An opera comission by the ROH follows the story of celebrity Anna Nicole and her turbulent life. The opera stars Eva Maria Westbroek who triumphed in the role and Gerald Finley.

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