
Sunday, April 14, 2013

First Pictures of Eugene Onegin From Vienna

Anna Netrebko made her role debut as Tatiana at the Vienna State Opera. She sang along Dimitri Hvorostovsky and Dimtri Korchak. Der Kurier stated “Her letter scene was glorious, and her final meeting with Onegin beguiling. Netrebko leaves nothing to be desired vocally and is a consummate artist as well. She has joined the list of the greatest interpreters of this role and is a gift to the world of opera.”  The performance was recorded and will be broadcast on the radio on April 27th through OR. 

Eugen Onegin…

Anna Netrebko als verliebte Tatjana in "Eugen Onegin".

Verliebt in den Helden ihrer Träume: Anna Netrebko bei ihrem Rollendebüt als Tatjana. foto: Wiener Staatsoper/ Michael Pöhn

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