Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone. 2012 was one of the most successful years for this blog bringing new followers and new ideas to the forefront. 2013 will bring more opera reviews, previews, rumors and most importantly more followers. Thank you for a wonderful year and I look forward to more opera this year.

Some of the most popular post this year included Marcello Giordani and Les Trojans, as  well as the Met 2013-2014 season rumors. Our season previews continued to be popular as well as our reviews. For more on our blog join our facebook page linked here or our twitter page. 



  1. Happy New Year to the Salazars! I look forward to more great opera news being reported and discussed by your great opera blog!

  2. Hey! Do you happen to have any blogging education or this is just a completely natural talent of yours? Can't wait to see your answer.
